New curators and concept announced for the 6th Bucharest Biennale:
Apprehension. Understanding through Fear of Understanding*
After Nicolas Shafhausen stepped down as curator for the BB6 last week, after 1,5 years of preparations, the organizers have already announced the new team of curators and concept for this biennale which is set to open just over three months from now (May 23). The text below is the press release issued on February 5 on the BB6 website,
The exhibition will explore a double meaning of the word apprehension, the fear of possible events and the premise of understanding. We believe fear and understanding to be not individual lived experiences, but social phenomena that now, more than ever, are being administered [1]. The curatorial program of BB6 aims to question the possibilities of tacit relations between fear and understanding that elude governance in everyday life and beyond: fear as an epistemic method and the fear of knowing as a political strategy. (extras from the curatorial text by Gergő Horváth & Ștefan Voicu)
*what seems to be a grammar mistake in the title is in fact an evocation of linguistic bipolarity we are both confronted with day by day.
[1] Virilio, P. (2012). The Administration of Fear. New York: Semiotext(e); Foucault, M. (1970). The Order of Things. Pantheon Books.