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Nov. 15, 2011

Last night NYPD evicted OccupyWallStreet protesters from Zuccotti Park

– Why is the international media only mentioning these protests once in a while to tell us that “the police has taken care of it”?

– Why did today’s eviction happen at 4 am in the morning? While the rest of the society where sleeping and could not see what Bloomberg and his men were doing...?

- And why were press members not allowed in and arrested...?!?

Here is an example of what happened when the press tried to cover the eviction: 

Occupy Wall Street 'Media Blackout': Journalists Arrested, Roughed Up, Blocked From Covering Clearing

Check out the ever growing movement on Twitter: OccupyWallStreet

We all deserve better than nations run like businesses to serve personal and corporate profit!

Fight over Zuccotti Park moves to NY Supreme Court - hearing at 11:30 Today November 15.

Seismopolite supports the Occupy Movement!

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